Monday 11 November 2019

Learning English is important

Hi, that's me again!

  I know you've seen my posts a lot in the past two days and I'm sorry, but hey, I'm just trying to catch up. Today we'll talk a little about the importance of speaking English.

  We all know how crucial this language is. If you speak it, you easily can communicate with everyone in the world. Or if you are in another country and you need something to be done, you can resolve the situation without having to rely heavily on someone's help. For example, my best friend doesn't speak English and she always says how bad it is. Whenever she needs to speak to some foreigner and she doesn't know how to do it, she feels helpless and usually this kind of situationes leaves her being misunderstood.

   In Western and Central Europe basically everyone speaks English because there are no borders, a lot of people come and go to neighboring countries. It's easier to travel to other regions of Europe if you have a UE citizenship. In comparison, my home country and other post-soviet countries do not have a lot of tourists because they are more closed and respectively people there do not speak English that often.

In addition, practically every job now requires an employe to have at least a basic knowledge of this language. So go learn it! It will be beneficial in the future!


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